Dear DDF Supporter,
Living with a stomach cancer diagnosis comes with extreme challenges. The prognosis is often grim, treatment regimens are harsh, and the mental and emotional turmoil of the diagnosis can take its toll. The stresses added by the COVID-19 global pandemic have magnified these challenges.
In February 2020, Lexi Patton was only 27 years old when she was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. In a short period, she became a strong patient advocate and worked with DDF on awareness initiatives to help educate others on the disease. However, Lexi had a recurrence at the end of 2020, and her battle sadly ended in September 2021. Another bright light in the stomach cancer community was Denise Leprine. She served as a mentor in our Patient Resource Education Program, participated as an advocate during our 2020 Stomach Cancer Capitol Hill Advocacy Day, and even volunteered her story on behalf of DDF for multiple health publications. Denise also had a recurrence in early 2021 and passed away on August 19, 2021, at 56. These are just some of the beautiful lives that we have lost, and there are countless others.
The last two years indeed have been some of the most challenging times of our generation. That is why we persist in our mission. DDF continues to be the leading non-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to funding research and supporting patients, families, and caregivers impacted by stomach cancer.
However, to continue our mission under these circumstances, we need your help more than ever before. Please join us in raising the necessary funds to continue supporting critical research and providing resources and support to patients and their families in their time of need.
With your help, we can make the DREAM of finding a cure for stomach cancer a reality!
Andrea P. Eidelman, Esq.
Chief Executive Officer