Raising Awareness. Funding Research. Supporting Patients. Achieving the DREAM!

Our Mission

Debbie's Dream Foundation: Curing Stomach Cancer is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about stomach cancer, advancing funding for research, and providing education and support internationally to patients, families, and caregivers. DDF seeks as its ultimate goal to make the cure for stomach cancer a reality.

View the DDF Foundation Brochure

Our International Reach

Debbie’s Dream Foundation is thrilled to announce our groundbreaking international partnership with KIBOUNOKAI, a leading non-profit organization in Tokyo, Japan. KIBOUNOKAI was co-founded by Hiromi Todoroki, in honor of her husband who was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer. Through her journey, Hiromi learned the importance of discerning accurate, evidence-based information and the critical need for effective patient advocacy. Inspired by her husband’s legacy, she has dedicated herself to empowering others in the fight against stomach cancer.

Together, we aim to create a powerful network of education and advocacy across Asia, focusing on raising awareness, promoting early detection, and providing essential support for stomach cancer patients and their families.

Learn more about this incredible collaboration and join us in the fight against stomach cancer.


Our Vision is that stomach cancer will no longer be fatal. If not curable, it will be a manageable disease.

We Believe...

1. The concerns and needs of patients must always be front and center with everything we do.

2. Patients deserve the latest knowledge about their disease, treatment options and available support.

3. Doctors must be knowledgeable about the disease, the need to consider it as a diagnosis, the latest treatment options and the sources of support available to patients, their families and caregivers.

4. We have a responsibility to be transparent to our donors and the community at large.

5. We have a responsibility to remain independent of outside influences that may potentially be biased.

6. Working in collaboration with other nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, scientists and others enhances what we can do.

7. Supporting collaboration within the scientific community will help us achieve our mission and vision more quickly, thus saving lives.

8. Because research holds the key to disease management and the cure, funding is essential.

9. Capturing the imagination and commitment of young scientists early in their careers will result in more focused attention to this disease.

10. Awareness building and advocacy are critical to combating this disease.

11. We as a board must stay educated in order to be as effective as possible and provide valuable direction.