Stomach Cancer Awareness Month. Realistic Periwinkle ribbon symbol. Medical Design. Vector illustration.

Arkansas Stories

Bill Crismon - Benton I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in August of 2010. I was treated with various therapies, chemotherapy, chemoembolization, electroporation, surgery, and targeted treatment with Herceptin.  In April of 2012, I achieved a disease-free status and have remained so for the past eight years.

I joined Debbie's Dream shortly after diagnosis, serving as Arkansas chapter leader.  As part of my efforts to increase awareness of stomach cancer in Arkansas, I have delivered information to all the state's cancer centers. I met with many physicians, nurses, and social service departments. In 2017, I also had November declared as Curing Stomach Cancer Month. I have attended Debbie's Dream Advocacy Day on two occasions and was fortunate enough to meet with my senators and congressional delegate.

While I've been extremely fortunate in my cancer journey, I witnessed so many more who were not as fortunate. I feel that I have a strong obligation as a long-term survivor to give back to our community in any way possible. A vital component of this obligation is to continue to seek increased awareness of this terrible disease and increase funding for research that will one day find a cure.