9th Annual Dream Makers Gala
April 21, 2018
The 9th anniversary of Debbie’s Dream Foundation: Curing Stomach Cancer was celebrated at our 9th Annual Dream Makers Gala on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at The Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood Florida. We had over 515 registered attendees and raised more than $300,000. The event started with a cocktail hour and an amazing silent auction, which was then followed by a mouth-watering dinner, dancing, live auction, awards, entertainment, and dessert. Lisa Petrillo, Entertainment and Lifestyle Reporter for WFOR, CBS4 Miami was the Master of Ceremonies. David Kubiliun of Greenspoon Marder and Stephen Greenberger of Broward County Sheriff’s Office were the chairs of the event. Award recipients included Noreen Salah Burpee and George J. Taylor, Esq., The Salah Foundation, Kristi Krueger of ABC Local 10, Janet Carrington and Charles Collins, Rosa and Rick Gross, Daniel Catenacci, MD of University of Chicago, and Daniela Schwartz of Cypress Bay High School.