Stomach Cancer Advocacy Resource Center


Resources for Filling out Appropriations & NDAA/H. Pylori Language Forms

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PRCRP Forms Cheat Sheet-
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Instructions for Filling out PRCRP Appropriations Forms -
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Stomach Cancer Fact Sheet

This updated fact sheet provides the latest statistics about stomach cancer. You might consider selecting one fact to share during your lawmaker meeting. You do not need to memorize these facts. Read the fact sheet.


Stomach Cancer Statistics By State

View state-by-state stomach cancer data, including the estimated number of cases and deaths in each state in 2025. See the latest data.


Policy & Legislative Resources

Congressional Sign-On Letters for the Peer-Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)

These official letters from members of Congress to the leadership of key congressional committees outline the benefits of PRCRP and request support for funding the program. A member of Congress will attempt to collect as many signatures from their colleagues as possible. See the House and Senate letters.


PRCRP Report Language

This document is intended for Capitol Hill staff and will be included in the packet of information you leave with them at the conclusion of your meeting. It provides detailed bill language and database instructions. View the report language.


Congressional Supporters

This list includes lawmakers who have previously signed letters of support or joined the Congressional Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers. We do our best to update this list as needed, but it’s always possible that lawmakers who have recently agreed to support our policy priorities have not yet been added. View the list.


Helping You Prepare

Overview of our 2025 Advocacy Day Asks

During your meetings with lawmakers, you’ll ask them to support the legislation outlined in this document. You do not need to memorize these asks. This information will be explained in more detail during Monday’s training. Coming soon.


Your Meeting Cheat Sheet

These are talking points you can use during your meetings with members of Congress. You will practice using these talking points during Monday’s training. Coming soon.


Tips for a Successful Meeting

Meeting with a member of Congress or their staff does not need to be scary. They are regular people just like you. Following these tips will help ensure you have a productive meeting. View the tips.