Survivor Stories + Holiday Recipes - Amanda Johnson
We’re kicking off the month of November with “Survivor Stories and Holiday Recipes” just in time for Gastric Cancer Awareness Month! This month and all 2022 holiday season, we’ll be sharing stories from the amazing warriors who make up the stomach cancer community, along with some of their favorite holiday recipes and tips for eating around the holidays.
You can participate in this campaign by sharing your story in video or written form, along with a headshot/photo of yourself and your favorite holiday recipe, tips for eating around the holidays, or warrior tips. Send your complete submission to

Meet Amanda Johnson

CDH1 and Gastrectomy Survivor

Meet Polly and Taylor

CDH1 and Gastrectomy Survivors

Amanda's Favorite Holiday Recipe

Meet Brittany Defenderfer

Stage 1 Non-CDH1 Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Gastrectomy

Brittany's Favorite Holiday Recipe

Polly and Taylor's Favorite Holiday Recipes

Meet Amy Jacobs

Stage 4 Stomach Cancer and Gastrectomy Survivor

Amy's Favorite Holiday Recipes